Sunday, March 10, 2013

Self Ambiguity: Being grateful or Being the change?

This is going to be a real short post. For this, I am just taking one video that my friend posted on social media as a reference.

What's your take after watching this?
Being grateful for having money to comfort ourselves is normal but to bring a change to such a problem here is quite a trick. The boy knows to speak English pretty well (except knowing that the Americans speak English too), but the situation which has forced him to have a pessimistic view of life ahead is sad and can be changed.

In what way can we bring this change?


  1. The most touching comment - "Do you like it here?". His answer:"I love it!" Even in his circumstances he "...loves it"!!! And further as he says "I stay here so I should like it. If I didn't like it I should go somewhere else..."

    If you go to carefully examine what he says (the body language, the expressions, the tone of saying etc.) he is scarcely pessimistic though you say he is. As I can see and understand he is quite optimistic of the future although it is sad that he only talks in terms of collecting rubbish and trash and plastic bottles and selling them. That is a tragedy because he is viewing the future from his limited perspective blinkered by his past and his circumstances. But he doesn't view it as a dark future judging from the tone with which he says it! He thinks that's what the future will offer him and he seems to have no complaints.

    My prayer to God is that he retains this spirit as he grows up even if his circumstances do no change. Then my second prayer is that his circumstances change to give him and his family in equal measure as the many of us.

  2. Thanks for the meaningful comment Deepak. You are very right that his body language, expression and tone doesn't denote pessimism. The pessimism or perhaps as you rightly coined it to be a 'tragedy' here is meant totally in a circumstantial sense (as in, he wanted to continue picking rubbish even though he has a lot of inherent potential for being young and grasping English quite well.
    A possible solution which I happened to find it via an initiative taken by one of my friend is below:
