Sunday, April 4, 2010

A window through which I see Life !!

We often find ourselves many a times standing in front of the mirror and trying to figure out the answer for the most precarious question on earth "What is life and why are we here ?? !!". Well this requires a lifetime of an experience to answer. But out of the experiences I have had till date, I would certainly like to tell you my perspective about the fascinating life and death.

Universe they say started with the Big Bang and ever since then, it became an instant hit with humanity. Life kicked off on earth, millions of species thrived and man has categorically been the dominant most creature on this very planet. To most people life on earth may seem a coincidence or a stroke of luck, but however to me, life here seems a like a purpose and I believe strongly in some magical force behind such a wonder. The sun, the earth going round it, the gravity, the mountains, the water, the species and most importantly the human mind - Come on this is too much of a coincidence to think of.

There is one thing which I presume happens to everyone during their term here.
Illustration with a help of an example:
There was a boy in school, he never probably enjoyed home works and impositions. Was thinking about how those elder to him were free from home works and all the mess. Then came college life where he had so much freedom for many things (example no more uniforms and hair/nail cut etc). There was a feeling that his too much independence was coming at a cost of something. At this age he wanted a little guidance from his dear teachers but as he was presumed to be independent, never got a piece of advice from his elders. He was free to fly. He seemed to be dissatisfied even though he was freed from onerous home work. Somehow college got over and then came in monstrous graduation tension. Here life completely and invariably involved him in a rat race and then most of his time was spent in preparation for internals and exams. This time, he was worried about getting a sound job and settling. Now that he has a job, free from home works, uniforms, internals, exams etc, he constantly pining about blissful school and college days. All done for this one intention and when he's here having a job, he gets nostalgic about old days. My one question is that why dint he thoroughly enjoy home works and other activities which he hated then ? :) Well to a degree I have enjoyed life pretty well. Just an example I am giving here. One thing worth considering is that if we are satisfied and happy with the present, it would do us a world of good. There might be a time in future when we might miss the days we slogged or struggled :) so why not live life with that zeal? Just reflect on this. 

Intention behind this lengthy prose was just to signify that every situation in life has something in it from which we can learn. We just need to wholeheartedly give a positive thought and move on. Fine tuning and breakpoints here and there are necessary for us to ensure we are on the right track. We are here to live in the present :) because it is in the present in which we are happy. The cumulative effect of our present is what makes our future and being happy in future is not a hypothesis if you are wholeheartedly living your present .

Our journey begins with a drop of sperm and ends with a fistful of ash and in between is our so called LIFE which even though fleeting has a lot to offer. It is here where we struggle to be happy, rich, famous and what not. This universe is a mirror and is always with those who believe that they can. I always believe in dreaming big, climbing the Mount Everest, owning a plot in the palm island, sky diving etc etc.
Philosophically speaking, LIFE seems a joke as nothing is permanent. Well that sounds pessimistic sometimes. Philosophy takes life to a different level and says that the birth cycle is an endless loop which encounters a break when one realizes the SELF. I find certain aspects of philosophy interesting as it has something from which anyone can learn and imbibe. There is no hard and fast rule that philosophy always is about trusting the unseen. It is more than that and is a way of life.

And now a small view on death:
Death for a living thing is a definite event with a probability of 1.
Just imagine not dying at all? Well with a decrepit body during old age I think death is a boon and a means of relief and revival. I feel that we should not worry about death so much as it is not in our hand. Death complements Life very well. A lot of leadership experts talk about the kind of feelings that one gets when lying on his deathbed. If we make the best of what Life offers and use our full potential, I am sure that we will smile and the world will cry when we leave.

Life is very uncertain one may feel but that's most fascinating thing about it. One year before, there was no certainty which could tell me what will be happening to me now. But that element of uncertainty is what I appreciate. It keeps one ticking and hoping for a lot good to happen before we kick the bucket. As Steve Jobs rightly mentions, we cannot connect the dots looking forward. All we can do for now is hope and plan for a better tomorrow. This uncertainty is coming at a shear price which is making our life eventful and the enigma if revealed, then Life would not be as challenging as it is now.

Always remember one thing, Life is precious and we are here for some purpose. To succeed, its is first necessary to believe in our SELF. It is not mandatory that all our efforts are paid off instantly. Sometimes it is fun to goof up a few things. As long as we keep trying, it should not matter if success takes time to evince.